Category: Decoration & Painting
Make the Most of your Outdoor Space
Make the Most of your Outdoor Space Now that summer has arrived, we all want to spend as much time as possible outside, even if we are still at home. Whether you have acres of land or a small comfy...
Get your Garden Summer Ready
Get your Garden Summer Ready Now that the pesky chill of winter has gone, it’s time to get back outdoors and give your garden some love; ready for the summer. Gardens are a place of relaxation, so you want to...
New Home Decor for the Summer
New Home Decor for the Summer British summer time has arrived! The skies are brighter and colours vibrant: why not make your home the same? Sprucing up your home this summer can help lift your mood and make you feel...
Cheap and Easy Summer Home Projects
Cheap and Easy Summer Home Projects Home maintenance is a lot like going to the gym, work it into your routine, because the penalty for not doing it, is worse than the job itself. Fortunately, Summer gives you a chance...
10 Great Bathroom Design Ideas
10 Great Bathroom Design Ideas When you are planning the perfect bathroom don’t overlook the little things that make your house a home. Take a look at this selection of 15 design solutions to create a truly unique bathroom regardless...
Design / Style Tips For Decorating Your Living Room On A Budget
Design / Style Tips For Decorating Your Living Room On A Budget Revamping your home decor doesn’t have to be a major project nor a costly expense. Here are some suggestions to give your rooms a fresh look without breaking...
2016 Interior Design
2016 Interior Design After a year as stylish as 2015 its hard to believe 2016 could compete in the world of interior design, but if predictions are correct we are in for quite a treat. Here at Entire Houze we’ve...