Build Larger Extensions Without Planning Permission
The new rules allow homeowners in semi-detached and terraced houses to add a single-storey rear extension to their property of up to six metres. For those in detached houses, the limit is eight metres.
Instead of waiting months for approval, people can now notify their local council of the building work beforehand, who in turn inform the neighbours.
A recent government report says it gives homeowners certainty to make plans to extend their homes this summer without a full planning application, while providing consideration of the impact on neighbours.
These rules were put into place temporarily 5 years ago but have now been made permanent. Since 2014 110,000 extensions have been completed under these rules.
Other types of extension — for example side returns or basements — may also require full planning permission.
Extensions cannot cover more than half the area of land around the original house or be higher than it and the materials used should be similar in appearance to the existing house.
The basis for permitted development rights is to allow people to extend their homes outwards without the need for a full planning application, though homeowners are reminded to consider the impact their plans may have on their neighbours.
These new rules cannot be applied to flats, maisonettes or other buildings.
Certain types of home alteration are already allowed under permitted development, such as loft conversions where the added roof space created is under 40 cubic metres for a terrace house, and 50 cubic metres for a detached and semi-detached house.
As well as good news for homeowners, under the new reform shops will now be able to change office space without the need for a full planning application.
The move builds upon changes to the law which allow business owners to change the use of buildings from takeaways to new homes without undergoing a full planning application.
To help deliver a greater mix of uses on the high street, the changes also allow the temporary change of use from high street uses such shops, offices, and betting shops to certain community uses such as a library or public hall.
With planning permission now relaxed what better time to extend your property with Entire Houze. If you are looking to extend your property, Entire Houze can help. You might have the need for an additional bedroom due to the family growing, or you finally want to get that large kitchen you’ve been dreaming of. Instead of moving to get what you want, save the stress of a move by getting a house extension.
We appreciate most people rarely undertake major building projects like a Home Extension, however we have built many of them and have the experience and expertise to carry out the work efficiently and effectively to reduce your costs, minimise upheaval and provide you with the highest quality finish. We can answer any questions you may have and will also be happy to give you the contact details of other customers who have had similar work carried out.
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